The Money and Wellness Blog
Discover easy-to-understand guidance on managing money and enhancing well-being, empowering you to make confident choices for a life of lasting peace and fulfillment. Let’s simplify your finances and life together - no jargon, just practical clarity and true confidence.

Most people see money as a means to buy things - cars, homes, designer clothes, and the latest gadgets. But true financial wisdom comes from...
Let me ask you a simple question: Do you care about your peace of mind and overall well-being?
If your answer is yes, then let me make an...
Today, I had the opportunity to attend a 'Become a Dementia Friend' event at a local solicitor’s office. To be completely honest, my...
Like with any decision, some financial decisions are easy to make, such as how much to spend on a birthday present, whereas others are much more...
Financial stress is emotional tension that is specifically related to money and is one of the most common forms of stress in the world. 72% of UK...
What is Financial Coaching? It’s a relatively new area but one that I consider such an important part of financial well-being. It’s not...
Have you ever thought about your beliefs around money? No? Neither had I until last year when I started a financial coaching course by...
Your Guide to Financial Mastery and Peace of Mind
Empower yourself to take control of your finances and build a resilient money mindset. Together, let’s embark on the journey to true Money Confidence.
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